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Writing a custom controller on the PX4 Autopilot framework for a multicopter


A definitive guide on writing and testing a custom controller on the PX4 Autopilot framework, for a multicopter.

  • Custom controller design is needed in research and development.
  • The PX4 Autopilot framework is often preferred in this use case, because of its permissive license and modular design.
  • This article will walk you through the process of writing a custom controller on PX4 Autopilot framework for a multicopter.


  • PX4 Development Environment (SITL) setup.
    • Clone the PX4-Autopilot repository.
      • Clone the official PX4-Autopilot repository.
        Fork the PX4-Autopilot repository and clone your forked version instead.
      • (Optional) Work on a new branch on your cloned repository.
  • Gazebo simulator setup.

Disabling the default controller(s)

  • The default (PID) controller(s) need to be disabled first, since we are writing a custom controller.
  • PX4 Autopilot uses 3 control loops, namely, attitude, rate and position.
  • In the rc.mc_apps file, comment out the following lines:
    • mc_att_control start
    • mc_pos_control start
    • mc_rate_control start

Create your custom module

  • A custom module is required, since PX4 has support for writing your own applications at the firmware level.
  • This new module runs as a task on its own stack.
  • Navigate to PX4-Autopilot/src/modules and create a new folder for your custom controller, e.g., my_controller.
  • Add source files in the my_controller directory.
  • Add CMake entry for the new module.
    • In PX4-Autopilot/src/modules/CMakeLists.txt, add add_subdirectory(my_controller).
  • Add startup entry for the new module.
    • In PX4-Autopilot/ROMFS/px4fmu_common/init.d/, add your module (e.g., my_controller start).
    • Every module that is used for a certain frame type needs to be given a start command in the corresponding init.d file.
    • In our case, we are focusing on a multicopter, hence we modify the rc.mc_apps file.

Writing the custom controller logic

  • Take sensor inputs from uORB subscription.
  • Compute control inputs based on joystick input (for manual mode) or desired setpoints.
  • Compute errors.
  • Compute desired torque and thrust values using your control logic and error reference.
  • Output values are control setpoints to uORB publication(s).

Publishing Torque and Thrust setpoints

  • The control setpoints are published to the uORB topics vehicle_torque_setpoint and vehicle_thrust_setpoint.
  • Defining the publishers and setpoint objects:
// Publishers
uORB::Publication<vehicle_torque_sp_s>	_torque_sp_pub;
uORB::Publication<vehicle_thrust_sp_s>	_thrust_sp_pub;

// Setpoint objects
vehicle_torque_sp_s torque_sp{};
vehicle_thrust_sp_s thrust_sp{};
  • Setting the Thrust setpoint values and publishing:
// Thrust rates need to be computed first, shown as some_value_1, some_value_2, some_value_3 here.[0] = some_value_1;[1] = some_value_2;[2] = some_value_3;

thrust_sp.timestamp = hrt_absolute_time();
  • Setting the Torque setpoint values and publishing:
// Thrust rates need to be computed first, shown as some_value_4, some_value_5, some_value_6 here.[0] = some_value_4;[1] = some_value_5;[2] = some_value_6;

torque_sp.timestamp = hrt_absolute_time();

Compiling and testing the custom controller

  • Compile and test the firmware in SITL:
    • Navigate to PX4-Autopilot directory and run make px4_sitl gazebo, for testing in Gazebo SITL.
  • Compile and test the firmware on real hardware:
    • Navigate to PX4-Autopilot directory and run make px4_fmu-v5_default, for testing on a real hardware.
    • You can append upload to the above command, in order to build and flash immediately.
    • Else, you can generate the firmware binary using make px4_fmu-v5_default build and flash it manually from a ground control software.
    • Note that the fmu version (fmu-v5) mentioned here is board specific, and you need to change it according to your board.

Sample code

  • TODO: Add sample Github repository with custom controller code